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For over 15 years we have been conducting training conferences in Malawi to train refugees and rural Malawian pastors and now we are expanding into Mozambique. We provide teaching materials translated into various African languages spoken by these pastors.  We have been encouraging these pastors to then train other pastors using our translated materials.  We need funding for both the annual conferences we conduct and for the ongoing conferences led by African pastors we have trained. The needed funds include travel, accommodations, food and printed/translated materials. We will need approximately $30,000 for these training endeavors. In addition, we supply all of our pastors with a Bible in their preferred language at these conferences and make available additional Bibles in the languages of their church members for a projected annual cost of $10,000. Finally, we have supplied a number of our pastors with mobile video projection equipment as an effective evangelistic tool used to show the Jesus Film in rural villages. We want to make this equipment available to more pastors and maintain the equipment currently in service at an annual cost of $10,000.



For the last several years, we have been partnering with the Philadelphia Pentecostal Church of Malawi to build a Christian secondary school. The initial cost of construction was estimated to be $257,027. The school will welcome 480 students from different backgrounds, including non- Christians. The school is projected to start in the Fall of 2024. We are hoping to raise a total of $50,000 for this project. The Kasungu Christian School is a place where Christian staff members will create a safe environment for students from different backgrounds to thrive academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. This school will make a great impact in the country of Malawi.



The past several years have brought drought and flood conditions that have exacerbated the problem of hunger in Malawi. From refugees in Dzaleka Refugee Camp to families depending on their small-scale farms, the effects of these weather problems have been devastating. We send funds through the pastors we are training to purchase grain and other food items to deliver directly to the most vulnerable in various areas of Malawi. Not having to go through any governmental or other relief agencies, we have found this to be a highly efficient way to get food directly to the most needy, such as children and the elderly. We receive reports and pictures from these pastors as they distribute this critically needed food.  We hope to distribute an additional $30,000 to these pastors for the distribution of this famine relief.



Many churches in Malawi are not able to support a pastor financially so that he is free to shepherd the flock without extreme financial constraints. At the same time, a few pastors have started small family businesses with a small initial capital investment to supplement their family's income in order to have more flexibility to pastor their churches. Because of these observations, we believe that God has called us to assist a number of pastors with a gift of $500 each to start building a family business. This $500 gift is known as “the cow gift” because many pastors choose to buy a cow to start their family business. Our agreement is that once the cow gives the first calf, that calf is to be passed on to a different pastor for free, and the gift goes on. Some pastors have used these funds to begin small businesses such as retail shops or bee keeping. Our annual budget here is $10,000.




Exodus Vision is dedicated to bring a caring response to our brothers and sisters in Malawi. Due to weather changes in Malawi in the past several years, many people have been experiencing food shortages and impoverished soil. They are asking for seeds and fertilizer. While we have been intentional in listening to the cries of the victims, the needs are far more than what we can meet. In his recent short report, our friend Pastor Moses said that they recently buried a woman from his congregation who collapsed due to lack of food. We have also assisted some church members with irrigation equipment for their crops. We need an additional $25,000 to help our pastors with seeds, fertilizer, and irrigation equipment.




  • Christian secondary school : $50,000

  • Pastoral training: $30,000

  • Video Equipment for Jesus Film: $10,000

  • Seeds, fertilizer, and irrigation equipment: $25,000

  • Famine relief: $30,000

  • Cow/Pastoral Care Funds: $10,000

  • Bible gifts: $10,000





Exodus Vision is run by a board of six people from different churches and life experiences. For the past 12 years, we have developed a relationship with five key pastors in Malawi who facilitate our yearly conferences and ongoing projects. We hold "accountability “and “integrity” as top values in our ministry. Our financial books are open to anyone who might be interested in looking at them. Our statement of faith and mission reports are available and published on our website ( Overall, we are striving to live out that which we preach and hopefully to serve as good role models to our partners in Africa.

Rev. Faustin Uzabakiliho, Ph.D.

Exodus Vision Board                           
P.O. Box 2563

Canyon Country, CA 91386


Phone: (818) 504-6297

​​Call us: (818) 504-6297

​Write us: Exodus Vision  P.O. Box 2563, Canyon Country, CA 91386 USA


© 2025 Exodus Vision

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