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Exodus Vision Belgium

Hello Friends,

Exodus Vision Belgium is a sister organization working hand in hand with Exodus Vision USA. However, it is fully independent in its leadership and financial activities. Since we share the same vision, we regularly consult each other and send our teams together.
God used the late president of Exodus Vision Belgium, sister Frieda Mukanyangezi, to unfold our activities in Malawi. In 2007, Frieda went on a trip to Malawi to attend her son’s wedding. While in Malawi, she and her older son, Emmanuel, decided to visit a refugee camp located 45 minutes from the capital of Lilongwe, and she fell in love with the people she saw in the camp. At the same time, her heart was broken when she saw how people live day by day in that camp. Upon her return to Belgium, Frieda shared what she saw in the camp with her brother from California, the president of Exodus Vision USA. Since 2008, Frieda has been part of every team we send to Africa. Although sister Frieda went to be with the Lord in 2020, the Exodus Vision activities she was doing continue under the newly elected committee, composed of the following members: Eric Sibomana, Priscilla Uwase, Thierry Mutabazi, and François Sindamubara. Mr. Eric Sibomana has accepted the role as the current representative of Exodus Vision Belgium, and we are excited to see what the Lord is doing through this new team.  
If you live in Europe, prayerfully consider how you can become involved with Exodus Vision Belgium as it reaches across international borders. As we like to say at Exodus Vision, "You can bring a Vision to spiritually trapped and enslaved peoples, helping them find an Exodus to a bright and shining rebirth." The Lord of the Harvest said, “as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to Me.” Come join Exodus Vision today as it extends its hand to some of the “least” who have suffered the “most.” ​​​
For more information, please
contact Exodus Vision Belgium at:

Exodus Vision Belgium ASBL
Rue  Beeckman de Crayloo 3,
1070 Bruxelles
Phone: 0486961567

You are welcome to send your financial
contribution to the above address or
to the account of  Exodus Vision Belgium ASBL,
IBAN: BE50 0019 6918 9118
BNP Paribas Fortis BANK  

​Bonjour les amis,

Cela fait déjà 12 ans qu’Exodus Vision parvient à venir en aide aux réfugiés vivant dans des camps un peu partout en Afrique. Pour la plupart, ils sont originaires de la région des Grands Lacs. Grâce à l’aide de plusieurs collaborateurs, ainsi que du grand public, toute une série d’actions concrètes ont déjà été réalisées. Parmi celles-ci, la construction des puits a eaux, la construction d’un orphelinat et la création d’un commerce soutenable de pain, qui a vu le jour dans le camp de réfugiés au Malawi, grâce à la fourniture d’un four à pain.

Vous pouvez nous contacter à  l’adresse  suivante:

Exodus Vision Belgium ASBL
Rue  Beeckman de Crayloo 3,
1070 Bruxelles
Phone: 0486961567


Your legacy to Exodus Vison  will forever be engraved in our memories !! 

​​Call us: (818) 504-6297

​Write us: Exodus Vision  P.O. Box 2563, Canyon Country, CA 91386 USA


© 2025 Exodus Vision

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