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The mission of Exodus Vision is to equip African churches for Evangelism, Education, and Economic Development.



Exodus Vision is a 501(c)(3) Christian non-profit founded in March 2007. For many years, we have been sending missionary teams to Africa, mainly for training hundreds of rural and refugee pastors and for supporting various church projects.

Our mission is to equip African churches for Evangelism, Education, and Economic Development. Our vision was inspired by the story in the book of Exodus that describes the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land. As God told Moses near the burning bush, we believe that God has seen the misery of His people in Africa. He has heard them crying out, and He is concerned about their suffering.


Our founder and president, Faustin Uzabakiliho, received this message from God after he had miraculously escaped from the ravages of the Rwandan Genocide in 1994.  His deliverance from being a victim of the violence convinced him that God had a purpose in sparing his life.  This life purpose resulted in the visioning and forming of Exodus Vision that has returned him to Africa to work with refugees and rural pastors.


For more than a decade, we have seen God do great things through our ministry. Every summer, pastors from different denominational backgrounds come together as one body under the umbrella of Exodus Vision’s teaching team to receive biblically-based pastoral training. This has reinforced unity among pastors who would otherwise not experience this fellowship.

Pastors have not only been equipped during our summer conferences but also encouraged to do follow-up training using the “training trainers” strategy, as Paul taught in 2 Timothy 2:2. By investing in and partnering with our key pastors, we are watching a ripple effect take place in many African churches and communities.

After training many pastors in Malawi, Zambia, Burundi, and Rwanda, our board has felt the need to shift our focus from the African Great Lakes region to Malawi, one of the poorest countries in the world, where the average income is less than $1 per day. And now the Lord is opening new and exciting doors into the country of Mozambique.

In order to fulfill its mandate, Exodus Vision has chosen 3 main objectives:

Evangelism: We are called to work alongside African pastors as they  strive to follow Jesus’ Great Commission. We partner with them prayerfully and financially as they go, teach, and baptize in the process of making disciples. One of our partners holds evangelistic crusades in highly Islamic communities. We have equipped a number of our pastors with video projection equipment with which they have shown the Jesus Film with phenomenal response.  Many churches are being planted as a result of showing this film in the various languages of Malawi.

Education: For a long time missions experts have described African Christianity as being "a mile wide and an inch deep." Eighty percent of pastors in Africa, including those in Malawi, have no Bible school or seminary education. We have designed an extensive curriculum of courses developed by our seminary-trained teachers to serve as an educational foundation for many of these pastors. Every summer for twelve years, we have led conferences in Malawi and, on occasion, in Zambia, Burundi, and Rwanda, teaching these courses. They are taught in English with translation into the native languages of Malawi and Rwanda. Pastors have especially appreciated written course materials translated into their own languages, since there is such a scarcity of such study resources. This has led us to develop the pastoral training conferences with a long-term goal of these pastors taking our materials and courses to train other pastors. In addition, we are beginning a focus on Bible-based secondary schooling, teaching young men and women to love Jesus and to prepare for a lifetime of serving him in their culture.


3. Economic Development: Malawi remains one of the poorest countries in the world. 80% of its population depends on agriculture for survival. For many years, the country has been vulnerable to unpredictable weather patterns that have produced cyclones and floods, followed by long dry seasons. Our objective is to provide material support for pastors and church members to grow their own crops so they can become, to a large degree, self-sustaining. Along with this objective, we also provide emergency funding of food sources to alleviate famine conditions in local populations. At Exodus Vision, we believe that love must be practical. God has been using our ministry to support self-initiated church projects that would help local churches and communities in different regions of Malawi.


Today, the mission field is undergoing a major paradigm shift. Our world is changing daily as a result of increased technology and migration. Consequently, we have chosen to adopt a different approach to missions by incorporating immigrants among our African partners.

Out of 3.4 million internally displaced people in Africa, 45,000 live in Malawi as refugees and asylum seekers (UNHCR, 2019).  Some of our partners in Malawi are pastors who fled from Rwanda, Burundi and Congo. God has been using them to plant churches in various districts of Malawi.

Another group of pastors who partner with us come from rural areas of Malawi; these are the ones the Bible would refer to as “the least of these." Many of these pastors barely have the minimum necessary to make ends meet. Some of them can hardly afford to buy a Bible. A Bible in Malawi costs $12, which is equivalent to twelve-days of wages for a Malawian citizen in a rural village. 


The historical impact of Exodus Vision continues to be far reaching. This year we supplied 70 rural pastors in northern Malawi with seed and fertilizer with which to grow their own crops. Some communities have benefited from the four wells we dug in rural villages, and this coming year, 200 Malawian youth will be registered in a Christian boarding school. The plan is to ultimately bring this number to 480 young people receiving a quality, Christ-centered secondary education.


We are trusting God to provide the monies we need to finance these projects. We believe that through several new funding partners we will be able to expand our impact in this needy and worthy area of the world. We have found the people who live in Malawi to respond well to being trusted with resources. They work diligently, with high integrity and amazing generosity.  We hope you will consider joining us in this exciting endeavor.


Exodus Vision Statement of Faith

We believe that the Bible, the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, is God's
infallible written Word, uniquely and fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, written without
error by the original human authors, and the supreme and final authority in all matters on which it speaks.

We believe that there is one God, the one and only God, eternally co-existent in three
persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each of whom possesses equally all the attributes
of Deity and the characteristics of personality. All the attributes of God are in perfect
balance, and none is to be emphasized at the expense of others.

We believe that Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh. We believe in the full Deity and full humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His perfect sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His blood shed on the cross, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father where He
continually intercedes for believers, and in His personal return in power and glory.

We believe that humans as originally created by God in His image were meant to be in
perfect fellowship with God, and fully functioning in relationship to all of creation.
Humans lost this perfect state by disobedience, became alienated from God and died

We believe that for human beings, each of whom is lost, sinful, and spiritually dead,
repentance and personal belief in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord is the only way for
salvation and eternal life with God. Salvation is not earned through works but is a gift
from God by His grace through faith. The Holy Spirit convicts people of their sin, draws
them to Christ, and gives them spiritual birth and new life at the moment of salvation.

We believe that the Holy Spirit dwells in every believer and empowers the individual
believer to live a godly life and to be transformed into the image of Christ by continued
obedience and dependence. His fullness, power and guidance are appropriated in the
believer’s life by faith.

We believe followers of Jesus should increasingly grow to love God with their whole
beings and to love others just as God loves them. These maturing believers will manifest the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit in this world in their service to the Lord and to others.

We believe that all followers of Jesus are called to a life of discipleship to obediently
serve Christ out of love and that every believer is a minister to pursue the Great
Commission by making disciples through evangelism, teaching, and leading others.

We believe that Jesus Christ will return in power and glory, to judge the living and the
dead, to receive believers to be with Him, to consummate history, and finally to establish the full reign of the kingdom of God. We believe in the blessed hope that believers at the resurrection will be given a new body like that of Christ which will never see corruption or death.

We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of eternal life in heaven and they that are lost unto the resurrection of
damnation in hell.

We believe there is a being, the devil, originally created by God as an angel, who by
choice rebelled against Him. The devil, that is, Satan, along with other fallen angels,
known as demons, was cast out of heaven because of this rebellion. The devil exerts vast power for evil in the world but only so far as God allows him to do so. He and the
demons shall ultimately be cast into the lake of fire to be tormented day and night

We believe that all true believers in this present age are members of Christ’s body, the
Church, having their spiritual unity in Him who is the Head of the body. They are
adopted members of God’s family living with Him eternally, worshiping and serving
Him forever.

​​Call us: (818) 504-6297

​Write us: Exodus Vision  P.O. Box 2563, Canyon Country, CA 91386 USA


© 2025 Exodus Vision

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